
My separation from fast fashion has held long, strong and true. #noregrets
It’s been two years now since our split and I’ve not been tempted to buy a new piece of clothing - it wasn’t even part of my considerations when thinking about new resolutions for 2020. It has become a way of life for me and one that I love.
On the 1st of January 2018 I pledged to only buy secondhand clothing, 2 years on and its been the easiest New Years resolution to maintain that I’m reluctant to even call it that.
I rarely shop with particular items in mind nor do I look for a particular size. Never have I been more comfortable in my own skin when entering the changing rooms - it’s a highlight as you’re never quite sure if it’s a eureka outfit or if you’re about to look completely ridiculous, either way you’re bound to smile.
I’m not trying to conform to styles that only suit certain body types nor am I body shaming myself for not maintaining the size 8 figure I had 5 years ago. It’s a type of shopping that’s not too addictive either... however if you do happen to have a little splurge and go overboard, it’s hardly going to ‘break the bank’ as you’d have too much to carry if you were to spend anything close to €50.
I’ve never had an easy relationship with the person I see in the mirror which stems from a youth of eating disorders. I first started on the journey of bulimia at age 10 which continued on into my 20s. But since I started thrifting I’ve never felt more empowered. I now know what styles suit me and I completely avoid anything which I know won’t. I’ve stopped even attempting to think that the ‘cookie cutter’ will look good on me. I barely even look at a size tag - half the time they’re missing anyway.
Thrifting is flirtatious and fun - always spontaneous as you never know when you’ll bump into a charity shop or find the perfect dress. You have to wait for things to come to you - I’m not saying to lie on your back and think of the Queen of England but also, if you look too hard you’ll miss the things that’ll surprise you. If you think something looks horrendous on the hanger, give it a go, take a risk and try it on - the worse that’ll happen is a little giggle. Like the worlds ugliest hat which I found in a charity shop in Belfast with my friend Emma - we were dashing out the door and I put it on for a laugh. It is the BEST hat I’ve ever put on (when worn backwards) haha. So naturally it’s now sitting in my wardrobe after having two fabulous outings to date.
When you are thrifting, you connect with the clothing, my golden rule is always take a second look. It’s on that secondary introduction garments begin to make themselves known and they catch your eye.
Now when I catch my own eye in the mirror I love the person that looks back at me, I think she’s pretty cool. If I don’t love myself then how can I expect someone else to?
Not only is thrifting helping the environment but it’s helped me learn to love the skin I’m in.
Are you still deciding on a New Years resolution? Anytime is a good time to do something that makes you feel good but a successful resolution should be as individual as you are and it has to be something that fits YOU well! And definitely not a darn thing to do with conformity.